About Me!Thanks for checking out My Website


Thanks for checking out my Website !

Hmmm, I'm Rajshri Khadse, I have been married to most wonderful guy, who supports me a lot!. I was born in India, Nagpur (M.S), and I’m in USA now. I love everything related with computers, and presently doing Master in Computer Science. Creating these web pages and selecting my graphic text makes me believe I have a flair for this stuff
This creation of web site is just a hobby. On this Page, you will find various recipes, links to different Web Sites. You will also find links to numerous Marathi sites. In case you know any other interesting sites, which is not covered here, do let me know.
When I was married I did not know much cooking. I started to try out new recipes and now cooking has become my hobby.Thanks to my husband who always keep on praising my recipes! :). My mother is a very good cook; she is always interested in doing new dishes and telling them to me. So you can always find new recipes in my kitchen. Those recipes are very simple and really helpful for all those brides (and of course grooms) who have no or little experience of cooking! I am mainly Interested in cooking Indian dishes. I'm so glad you dropped into my site and I know you won't be disappointed. Hope you enjoyed it.
Besides Computer, Pet Care is my hobby. I love all kind of pets.(No prizes for guessing why I have used most of the animal graphics on my web-site !) :)

I like to read books! I enjoy discovering new information on everything. If only I could buy all the texts I need to satisfy that craving!! That's why Internet research attracts me every time. If we (my husband and me) want to find something out, I am the one who will spend hours ferreting out the answer!!! Fortunately, the answer is usually available within minutes - the net makes it so easy!

I'll be updating this page frequently for your interest, so visit again soon. Thank you for visiting my web site!!!

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