Misthi Doi from Kusum Bhatt.

Misthi Doi(Bengali Receipe)

Milk-1 litre
Plain curd- 1/2 tea spoon
Sugar-1 cup
Water-3 tbsp.



  1. Boil the milk to half its orginal quantity and set aside for it too cool.
  2. Now take kadai put the sugar and water and lightly carmelize heat on low heat.
  3. Immediately put pour the carmel thing into the milk and mix well.
  4. When milk has cooled down bit add the curd and mix it and now it set in warm place till set.
  5. It may take over night some times just few hours.
  6. Chill it b4 serving.
  7. If u like u can put saffron when milk is semi hot.
