Hi, I am Lipika from India.Plz try and send comments on my E-mail ID : materials@sobha.com

Parse Macher kalo jeerer Jhol

Buy good parse fish from the market which will weigh atleast 10 nos in one kg.the fish can be cleaned from the market.
one teaspoon of Kalajeera,
5-6 hot green chillies to be slitted from the middle.
Salt and Turmeric for taste and colour.
200gms Mustard Oil



  1. Clean the fish which are already cut from the market and rub it with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and salt.
  2. Heat 2 table sppon of oil in the Kadai and fry the fish .( Always remember fry the fish only when the smoke comes out) .Keep the fish aside.
  3. Put 2 teaspoon of oil in kadai and put the Kalajeera along with slitted green chillies and one teaspoon of salt. Put one cup of hot water in it and let it boil.
  4. Put the fried fish in it and slow the gasflame always whenever the fishes are kept for boiling.
  5. Now when its done serve it with rice.
